I know, what's not new right?
Well, I'll tell you what's not - my header - just can't get that thing to work right. But I did finally find some great helps out there and once I get it figured out, I'll post about it so that anyone else out there that may have the same dilemmas as I will be able to triumph over the little things! It feels so good to do that.I have to tell you what I am really excited about!!! There is a new widget over on the sidebar - yup -

FBR recently announced a brand new virtual store, they have great giveaways, AND a huge collections of food blogs - ummmmm.... YUM!
I often visit here to get dinner ideas and now I am approved to join in! Yay! When I get truly excited about something, my toes tingle - and I tell ya - they have been tingling all day! Feel free to go check it out and salivate at all of the delish meals and pictures that are so beautiful you can taste them! Of course, you can always just come here to admire the cute little widget, because I have it on my blog. Right.... over..... there.
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